Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bees! Bees! Why can't I reason with them!?

A fun little update for today as I go off to my job interview. Got this off the Fortean Times webpage today:

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Kids throwing rocks stirred up more trouble than they bargained for when they dislodged a swarm of bees from an enormous hive built in the wall of a Southern California apartment building, authorities said on Friday.
The article goes on to explain that there were an estimated 120,000 bees in the hive!

May I go on record as saying "That's a shitload of bees!"

Here's the part of the article that got me though;

The quarter-ton honeycomb, which may have accumulated inside the apartment wall for years, was so big it was threatening the structural integrity of the two-story building, Horner said.
Yowza! When the bees actually compromise the structural integrity of a building, it's time to do something about the local bee population! Again "Shitload of bees!"

The full article can be read here.


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