Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Car "Trouble"

So, my mom was in an automobile accident on Sunday, at the intersection of 156th street and St. Albert Trail.

We were on the final day of the move, and had just loaded up my dad's car, my mom's jimmy and Nita's car with the last of our things. The dog, Zack went with my dad to drop off some videos at Roger's, while Nita and I followed my mom (truck laden with our cloths and things) to my aunt and uncle's home where we're spending the month.

We arrived at the intersection to see a red light. My mom slowed to stop, but the light turned green so she sped back up to continue through the intersection. Then someone turned left into her driver's side.

I swear, it happened in slow motion from where I was sitting. Nita and I sat stunned for a second, before I drove on through the intersection and parked on the corner, then bolted across the street to where the wrecks of the car and jimmy were obstructing most traffic through the intersection.

Fortunately no one was injured. My mom's a little sore in the chest where the seatbelt caught her (a lesson to all you lax seatbelters) and a little shaken, but okay otherwise. The jimmy, alas, may not make it.

A few notes on that day.

My friend Spider showed, once again, that he is Mr. Reliable. He came up from the south side with his dad's mini-van and helped move the stuff out of the back of the jimmy and to our new "home".

I totally got sunburned from standing in the intersection, helping my mom and filling out the police reports.

The firemen were congratulating themselves for beating the police and ambulance people out the scene.

In the end of the day though, everyone was unhurt, so I suppose it wasn't too bad.

My 101 in 1001 page has been updated too, and (obviously) my computer is back up and running so I can post some more. I'll likely post on the Northern Alberta International Children's Festival sometime soon.


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