2004 Edmonton Fringe Reviews
Well, here they are, Scott's 2004 Fringe Festival Reviews!Just a note on my reviewing, I use a scale of 10 bombs. 10, of course, being the best rating I can give.
I've seen five acts this year (which is somewhat disappointing), but it does mean I can likely review it all in one post. So here we go, in the order I saw them.
Heracles: the Mythologically Accurate Adventures
Heracles is a fun show starring 4 actors who play pretty well every character in the Heracles myth. It's filled with zany, campy comedy, but remains true to the source material within the confines of plot. It was hysterically funny, and the group I went with (Y2Jago, Ninjas, Neeta and myself) seemed to greatly enjoy it as well. Overall, I give Heracles:
6 bombs... make that 7 bombs for including ending credits.
Apocalypse Kow
Now, admittedly I'm a little biased here. I am friends with all five of the Kows, so I shouldn't even review them. However, I like to consider myself an objective critic, and as such I will bar no holds.
Apocalypse Kow are a local acapella act, and the only local act on the outdoor stages this year. They are funny, first and foremost. The group has fantastic chemistry and it shows in their banter (which is primarily improvised). Secondly, they are talented. All five Kows can sing! Which is more then can be said for the Fringe's other acapella act, Saskatchewan's own Hoja, who suck. And so Apocalypse Kow get:
6 bombs, plus one for being local, and another because I know them personally for a grand total of 8 bombs.
Ah, the dreaded Scottish Play, which all theatre actors dread to speak the name of less they curse themselves and their performance. No play is considered more jinxed then Shakespeare's Macbeth.
So, of course, what better idea then to put on a performance of it! Now, these guys have found an interesting way to counteract the dreaded Scottish Play curse... they've decided to put on their performance in the middle of a hockey rink! Yes! Surely if they aren't actually on stage then they cannot possibly end up cursed!
Well, Macbeth does, unfortunately have it's drawbacks. The cast is made up primarily of young talent, which means that the acting is grade school level at best. The few adults in the cast work hard to counteract this, and they all shine brightly, but sometimes it just isn't enough. Moreover, the locale, though brilliant and open enough to accommodate a "round" style performace (audience seated around the stage), ended up getting dark, cold and buggy by the end of the performance. Add to that Shakespeare's notorious long windedness and it ends up being quite a long, uncomfortabel haul. Overall, I give Macbeth:
4 bombs. However, if I was judging only the adult cast, I'd raise it to 6 bombs total.
Do you like British comedy? Well, Neeta does, and she took me to see Showboatin' with high hopes of seeing some truly Pythonesque humour. Boy were we mistaken!
Showboatin' was NOT the zany British comedy we expected. It was however and excellent play. It was chalk full of comedy, with some truly funny moments, and a great story about what people are willing to do to be famous. I thought it was really brilliant. Neeta agreed, but though the acting could have been better. With that in mind Neeta gives Showboatin':
7 bombs. I however give it 8 bombs because I liked it better.
Waiting for Her Beau
What a fantastic title. Waiting for Her Beau is a reworked version of Waiting for Godot starring an all female cast. It is very much absurdist theatre, and had both exicting characters (if insane) and a fantastic... repeat fantastic cast.
Waiting is probably the best show I saw this fringe. I don't say that lightly. I was able to sit through the entire show and truly enjoy every line as the characters exchanged witty, often absurd banter, following their own unknown logic as they wait for the mysterious Guy to call on a public telephone. I again saw this one with Ninjas, Y2Jago and Neeta, and they all loved it just as much as I did. Thus, I give Waiting for Her Beau my highest recommendation, and a solid:
9 bombs
And so that wraps up my 2004 review of the Fringe, and my emergency Saturday update. See you all on Monday!
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