Three Missing Girls
As those who have read my blog before know, I am not currently a single guy. Neeta would probably punch me in the side if I went around claiming otherwise. I do, however, love the ladies... and there are a few who've been missing from my life for some time now, and I've found myself wondering about them lately.I've known Jack since high school. She was far more popular then I, but we ended up meeting in drama class and became fast friends. She was witty, bright, and very friendly. Things have been rough for her since high school. I run into her very infrequently nowadays, but she usually has some new type of bad news to give me, and it always makes me feel terrible. Still, I care enough about her that I wish the very best for her. It's been at least nine months since I last spoke with her. I think it's time I called her.
On that note, I've also known Ed since high school. She was the friend of one of my ex-girlfriends, but we remained friends after the breakup. She's a bit more... well, agressive then Jack was. One might even call her stubborn. She once threw her shoe at me. Don't get me wrong though, I still love her dearly. I still run into her at times too, we speak usually once every five or so months. It's been about seven though, and I think it's time I called her.
Finally, there's WW. WW I've known for a few years, but I met her while working for Sir. Unicorn Special Events, not at school. For a long time I found myself smitten by WW, and honestly persued her as a romantic interest. Alas, as it is most of the time with my luck, she was more interested in being my friend. We did remain friends, and have seen each other off and on mostly through out mutual friend Spiders. Like Jack and Ed though, it's been a few months. Maybe it's time I called her.
Ah well. Too many ladies own a little piece of my heart it seems. It gets hard to keep track of them, and occasionaly I do worry about them.
If you'll excuse me. I've got a few phone calls to make.
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