Comic Books
Can't really think of much to post today, so I decided to mention what comics I've been reading lately.First and foremost, I just finished reading 30 Days of Night. A gritty read, with very raw imagery to be sure. The premise is also both unique and promising. I didn't get really drawn into the story or atmosphere though. Plus the plot seemed very rushed to me. One of the elements I look for in horror is the slow rise of the tension and overt creepyness and 30 Days doesn't take the time to let that tension build.
Good read, yes... but not the best horror story I've ever read. If I were rating it, I'd give it maybe 5 bombs.
I also picked up Silent Hill: Dying Inside. Anyone who has checked my blog before will know that I'm a fan of the Silent Hill series of video games, and although my initial instinct was to avoid a comic book based on a video game, I decided to give it a peek.
I've gotten through about three issues so far, and it's... well... interesting. First and foremost, the main characters change after only two issues, so already I'm finding myself forced to get aquainted with new protagonists. The atmosphere of the town itself seems somehow... wrong. Almost heavy handed in many cases. Like they tried to use imagery from the game, but simply didn't know how to use it in moderation.
I've still got two issues to go, however, so we'll see how things wrap up.
Finally, I picked up volume one of Hellblazer, on the recommendation of Dr. Teeth. Haven't cracked this one yet, but I'll let you all know what I think when I do.
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