Online Comic? Who'da thunk?
Seriously, I've been considering it for a while, but the opportunity kind of fell into my lap.I've been drawing a comic for the Gateway for about a year now. It's a funny little strip about a robot with no moral compass, his ever-suffering roommate, and an anthropomorphic rooster. It's called Logic Puzzle.
Now, I recently began to wonder about putting it online. An annotated archive of all the comics would be neat, and would greatly expand the readership of the comic. It was ultimately a really good plan, but I kept humming and hawing over it.
Until Friday.
Shaun Lyons, the madman behind fellow Gateway comic Mich Mich, has decided to host as many Gateway comics as are looking for space on his webpage. He was literally handing out free websites for the comics.
Who am I to say no to such a generous offer?
So now I have an online comic! Or at least, a repository for all the Logic Puzzle comics that I make.
See you in the funny pages.
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