Dreaming of a White Campus
In Japanese culture, white is the colour of death. I think I now understand why, as when I awoke this morning I was greeted with the joy of a snow covered world.Now, I do have to point out that I have absolutely no problem with Canadian winters. They are simply a fact of life that I have grown up with, and I'm used to them. In fact, I get somewhat annoyed with fellow Canadians who complain bitterly throughout the winter. "If you don't like the weather," I tell them "then leave."
That said, may I say that snow in early September is fucking ridiculous!
What the hell happened to fall? You know, that season that happens between summer and winter, when the trees all change colour and the leaves start to carpet the ground? Where did it go!? What the shit have we done to our weather systems that this is the result?
Oh well, on to lighter topics.
So, with the second day of classes wrapped up, I've now met all of my teachers, gotten an idea what all my classes are about, and figured out fast routes between all my classrooms. So, here's my first impressions, in order of when I attended the class.
SOC 100: Sociology is interesting. I'm a fan of social studies, and this class looks like it'll be a great introduction into more advanced stuff. I'm quite looking forward to tomorrow and my first lecture.
RUSS 111: Russian is a freakin' hard language. Having to learn the Cyrillic alphabet is proving difficult, but the teacher is interesting and I do want to learn Russian. However, I do have this class every day for both terms, so I may get tired of it before the end.
PHIL 101: Ah the art of philosophy. A gentlemen's sport of questioning the questionable. Hopefully this will be an enlightening course. The professor seems interesting (and for that matter, interested) so I have good feelings here.
ENGL 111: English language arts are my personal forte. I took one look at this year's reading list and couldn't stop myself from grinning stupidly. Longer works such as The Scarlet Letter, Doctor Faustus, shorter works by authors like Hunter S. Thompson and Edgar Allen Poe. To say I'm excited would be downplaying my emotions.
CMPUT 101: Here's where the breaks really hit hard. Now I'm interested in learning how computer languages work and such, but there's one component here that's going to hurt. Math. Ugh, I hate it. No matter, I'm determined to give this class a fair go and not get discouraged. Still, this will be my most challenging course.
So there we go. See y'all on the flip flop.
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