Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Off to the U of A

Well, tomorrow is my first day at the University of Alberta.

I find that I'm not as nervous as I was even last week. That may be in part to the Orientation the University offered yesterday (yes, on Labour Day Monday), in which alot of my questions were put to rest.

So, now I find that I'm actually quite looking forward to tomorrow and the start of my career as a student of arts. I have a pretty full course load, so I may not be able to update as often, but I will certainly try.

On a side note, to anyone reading this who is also attending the U of A, I am an Arts student with a tentative English major. If you have any of these classes this term, keep an eye out for me:

ENGL 111 A
RUSS 111
PHIL 101
SOC 100

On that note, I'm off to put together some binders.


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