Exams, Updates, Moving, Ect...
Last exam done! Whooo!So I spent the weekend working and helping Nita move into her new house, and her ex-roomies get into their new place, so I didn't get the chance to update like I'd hoped. But here's an update, and there's on on my 101 in 1001 page too.
This weekend was also the very first Pavlov Improv show here in Edmonton. I worked Saturday until 10pm, so I didn't get the chance to play, but it was alot of fun to watch. I don't work this upcoming Saturday, so hopefully I'll get the chance to get on stage again. It should be awesome to shake out my dusty old improvisational skills again.
Speaking of awesome, coincidentally my friend Lee's birthday is this Friday, which is the exact day that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy opens. As such, he wants to see it, and conveniently, so do I.
That said, I'm going to relax this week, start packing and maybe catch some movies that I really should get around to seeing.